Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

This has been a long confusing, joyful week.

The loot from under the tree has been i think the best i've ever recieved! a new phone, a nintendo ds, hannah montana season one, Skis. Overall a great haul.

CPR, on the other hand, has disappeared from the radar completely. He was supposed to come to the pool staff party, but didn't get back from skiing in time. We texted a bit, I invited him over for the next day, and said goodnight.

Next day rolls around, he initiates the texts, I invite him over, he says he doesn't have a car. I offer to pick him up, he says he's tired. I offer to come over to watch a movie, he says his computer's broken. He said he'd check in with me after breakfast, but two hours later he texted to say he had fallen asleep again. I ask what the plan is for the day, he replies with "sleep..."

I gave it an hour or so, to think about what had happened, and calculate exactly what I wanted to say to him. My eventual response was "I understand being busy and tired w/ 2 jobs and the holidays. If you find time to hang out, let me know."

No response back. At all. Since Monday. Its Friday.

I had bounced what I wanted to say (before i pushed send), to make sure it didn't sound super bat shit crazy or passive agressive. I really do want to just be straight forward.

And I really do understand being busy and tired. But not even a text? No "ok" or "will do."

Its still pretty early in the relationship. I don't expect to dominate all of his time. But It'd sure be nice to get a little acknowledgment that I still exist in his world.

Weeks and weeks ago, he had asked for help with what to do with an ex. She had emailed, stating she still had feelings for him, he doesn't, and didn't know how to deal with the situation. I told him he needed to be straight forward, and just tell her the truth. He opted to just ignore her. RED FLAG!

Its how he deals with things.

I need a guy that has a pair, and uses them wisely. Do men like that exist?

I think maybe I'll just use my new christmas toys to find men to keep me warm in the mean time.

Ski Bunny Lemon Out!

1 comment:

  1. Poop on him. I mean don't, literally, but that's my sentiment at the moment.

    They do exist. One of them will find you when you least expect it. I'm excited for that.
