Sunday, December 20, 2009

Most Interesting Day

When I woke up this morning, I had a very small idea of what the day would entail.

Dad woke us up early so that we could spend the morning sawing, stacking, sorting and chipping tree limbs. Other than being early, it wasn't so bad. We then fixed my car heating issues, and he left for Grandma's.

This afternoon (the only part of the day I was aware of my activities) I helped out at Christmas House. It is a local charity that donates gifts to low income families in our county. The items available for parents to come and "shop" for were very high quality items and products. We served about 300 families today, and hopefully have shown the light of Christ to families in our community.

Oh, Speaking of Christ, there was a manger display... in the most unusual of places. The "shopping" area was set up in the gym at a local Boys and Girls Club. On top of one of the basket ball hoops was Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. I suppose they answered the question of whether or not Jesus could slam dunk.

I also found myself checking out the group of volunteers. There was one guy who might be similar in age to me, and had a very nice face. The rest of him wasn't bad to look at either... until he bent over and his tighty whities were sticking up out of the back of his pants. Not just regular fruit of the looms, but they looked like they were a few years old. It was very off putting, which was v disappointing, as there was quite a few hours left in our shift, and no one else worth looking at.

After returning home from CH, I checked in with a few friends to see if a holiday party was still happening. I jumped back in the car and drove up the hill. We ate, ate ate, played some games, mingled, ate some more, and had a jolly time. I won a game called Pig Dice. I don't know why it was named such, but I was a lucky roller. I lost at a silly card game, but then we moved on to the main event of the evening: the White Elephant gift exchange!

I almost got my hands on the Sarah Palin autobiography, then lost it last minute to another woman.

In other news: I saw CPR thursday afternoon, but only for a few minutes since he had to leave for work, Friday was my last day at the pool, and I've filed for unemployment and shall be receiving benefits starting next week.

Its been a long and crazy week. Oh, plus i was super emotional due to end of job and the regular monthly hormones.

Lemon Out

1 comment:

  1. Why is it that all the bad news seems to happen in the dark winter months? At least if you lost your job in June, you could have soaked up some sun!!

    That's too bad about the volunteer with old never know though, you could buy him a pack of fruit of the looms and see where it goes! ;)

    As for CPR, if nothing else, it was great to get practice in keeping up with your certification!
