Saturday, December 12, 2009

Holding My Breath

Ya know that moment, when you have to actually say whats on your mind, but you don't want to, but you need to... so you take a deep breath, but instead of just saying it, you just end up holding your breath until you can't anymore? Or is that just me?

CPR and I didn't dtr, but did have "the talk." So, at least he is aware that sex isn't on the table... or in the bed. And he took it well. It wasn't a long conversation, so I expect it to resurface in the future, but the message was clear. Not happening.

He is going with me to an annual christmas party with some friends from High School. Replying to the group email as "Yes, plus a guest" was quite a thrill! Especially since everyone else will be brining fiances or spouses. Its just lovely to have a plus one!

The plus one thing is super exciting. Although, perhaps the actual DTR needs to happen before then. So i've got til wednesday. These are some of my closest friends... they just seems to lack... tact? discretion? a sense of enjoyment that doesn't involve embarrassing me? or perhaps a combo of all. I'm looking forward to the party, and I'm sure it'll be a great time.

Oh, and I am back on facebook. I missed it, but here's hoping i can keep control of my time management skills. AKA talk to Jesus instead of searching out my life's meaning on facebook.

Lemon Out

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