Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunny Day, Sweeping the Clouds Away

Ok, so I didn't actually see any sunshine, and the team I was cheering for lost, but really, today was a good day.

Why? Oh, CPR made and followed through with plans. True, I had to be the one to drive 45 minutes so we could hang out, and we did so at his parents' house, but it was a good time all around. We watched soccer, drank some tea, and talked a lot.

He recorded the game on the DVR, and we waited for his dad to watch the game first, then took over the basement tv room. I've personally never played soccer (outside of a PE class, and that does NOT count), and although I know most of the general rules and overall concepts of the game, I don't know things like what counts as a foul. He generously explained them, and didn't appear to be bothered by my many questions, but rather seemed to enjoy showing off his plethora of knowledge.

And we're playing the predating games and dancing the complicated tango of crushes.
Our knees touched, then our elbows, but no arm around the shoulder or other obvious move. We hung out in his room, talked while sitting on his bed, but left the door open. He asked if i had seen a specific movie yet, stated that he wanted to see it, but seemed to get distracted before suggesting we go see it.

I'm learning to play the game, and I think poor CPR is going to get most of the brunt of it. If he wants to hang out with me, then HE can suggest plans the first few times. I can be patient and let him pursue after me. As much as I dislike pop-christian-psychology, the idea of him wooing me both allows him to feel masculine, and me a bit more feminine. And, I think that would be good for us.

Until then, I'm rather excited to see him tomorrow morning.

Lemon drops and Rainbows out

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