Tuesday, January 19, 2010

only one drink too many, i promise!

So, last night I suggested to Dr Bravo that we go get that beer he had mentioned last week. He replied "absolutely!" and we figured out which bar to meet at (he wanted to beat me at pool), and when.

I vaguely told my mom i was going out for the night (she was ok with this, then left me a not about harvesting her farmville when i got home on my laptop), then headed out for a game of bar festivities or two.

I met the Dr at a bar that had been renamed several times over the years, we played a game or two (i only won on technicalities) and i drank beer after beer after beer, as he kept pouring them for me. Eventually some sort of organized tournament started, and we had to migrate to the back of the bar (maybe the word was meander), and we continued to converse and discuss things such as science, religion, medicine, psychiatry, and life experiences. I let him know if he asked specific questions he would get specific answers, and also that he had pumped enough alcohol into me that i was actually likely to get honest answers as well.

I can't remember the last time a boy... no, man asked me such interesting questions, and despite my inebriated state, have i answered so eloquently. or many that was just the beer. but it was good beer, so i assume they were good answers.

He knew a few people at the bar, conversed with them, introduced me, and overall we had a great time.

I was in such a state that driving myself home wasn't a good idea, so he dropped me off. On the way home he offered me (and i took) his sweatshirt, and offered to bring me back to the bar if i needed such vehicular assistance tomorrow. I hopefully will find someone to drive me out to get my car sometime in the early afternoon, when i finally wake.

On the way out the bar, a girl i had met (someone's girlfriend, jen, maybe) asked if i was going home with [dr bravo], and when i said no, she seemed disappointed. then asked if maybe next time. Knowing that my personal convictions weren't the social norms, i answered "maybe" and she seemed appeased.

No kiss goodnight, but then again, his loud and large truck didn't really facilitate such... but maybe i didn't give it enough effort. Sometimes i miss the signs to such an opportunity. Maybe i missed out, but i think he seemed to understand that i wasn't quite myself.

I really did have a wonderful time. I'm glad to have spend some time with someone i knew, and haven't known since 8 years ago. So much more to explain, and yet, sleep calls me.

yay! Dr bravo might just be... great!

lemon... vadka'd

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