Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Math of Love

Apparently the way to get a guy to notice you, is to ask for help with math. It worked on CPR, hell, even Toaster used to think it was cute I needed so much math explanation. Maybe I'm just feeding into the male need to be the bigger, faster, stronger, smarter etc. I'm not saying I endorse this mindset in the long run, but a little flattery seems to help in the beginning.

Dr Bravo met me at the public library for about an hour of math review for my GRE test. I had been quite frustrated the previous few days on my inability to remember how to do basic math functions. Most of this is due to forgetting math vocab words. Ya know, Quotient, Factor, etc, but the good doctor was in, and helped remind me of what was going on.

On the way out the door he said to make sure to call if I needed any more help, or to just go get a beet sometime. I said I would, and that a beer would be fun.
I got in the car and immediately called a friend and said
"Remember how ridiculously good looking [Dr Bravo] was in high school?"
She replied "uuuuuh, yeah!"
"well, he's only gotten better looking."

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