Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Left foot in, Right foot out.

Sometimes I feel torn about this impending move. Friends here are sad that I'm leaving, but friends and family over there have been complaining about my absence for a few years now. I've missed every family event for almost three years, and yet I'll be giving up a lot of autonomy in just 9 days.

This is the right thing for me to do. There will be other boys (perhaps even men), and I'll still have the ability to come visit. This isn't goodbye forever. We have anonymous blogs, facebook, myspace, telephones, texting, and email to keep us connected. This isn't the last this city has seen of my face either.

The date with Ladder 20 was just amazing. We frolfed all around my alma matter, then sat in rocking chairs on the lawn and discussed life. He bought me frozen yogurt, then we walked back to my house where we played with my kitty, and he was given a bunt cake and instructions to write an essay on "How You Plan On Supporting My Roommate." He hasn't turned his essay in yet, but on the whole he's a quality young man, and I sure hope he finds a girl that deserves him. That is assuming I don't stuff him in my suitcase and drag him across the state with me. I'm still considering this option.

I've decided that I will text CLBF and invite him to my going away bbq next week, but am already ok with the probability that he will not come.

And now back to listening to Harry Potter.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to miss you! Okay, I already do since I moved!

    I'm glad that Ladder 20 was an awesome date...even though leaving is bittersweet, at least there was a sweetness to it.

    And I think it's good that your texting CLBF, but in the words of Liz Lemon, he can "suck it!"
