Thursday, February 11, 2010

A little help, please!

Today was the second day in a row of job interviews. Yesterday's interview at a local group home went very well. I like the facility, and although it is currently my second choice, I think I would really like it there if thats how the cards are played.

I had a phone interview this morning about a mental health professional position at the local Childrens' hospital. It must have gone well enough, since I got an email this afternoon asking me to come in for an in person interview. YAY!

I'm likely to start working at the group home, and when things become clear about the job at the hospital make a final decision. Probably, for a while I'll take both jobs.

Then, as I'm pacing the living room, trying to make major life decisions, The UPS truck stops on our street. The guy brings a package up to my front door, rings the doorbell and runs back to his truck. I open the front door to see a box from a flower company.

Flowers? Who in our house would get flowers?

Lo and behold... Its MY name on the label! WHAT?! I open the box, and its a dozen roses. red, pink, white. But...

There's no name on the card. NO NAME! Who does that?

I can instantly think of two guys who would likely send me flowers, unsigned. There's the obvious, and I really hope it was him, Dr Bravo. He seems the type to put forth some effort, especially with the dreaded Vday in the next few days.

Then... there's mr awkward. The smelly guy i knew in college, who recently said he was going to send me something in the mail. I facebook messaged him to ask "did you send me flowers" and he replied by saying his package was sent out yesterday, so shouldn't be here yet. Then replied again asking if i wanted him to send flowers.

I'm taking that as a no. But i guess i'll know for sure if/when a package comes from him in the next few days.

No matter the situation, I have roses on my table.

Also, I've run about 11 miles in the last week. WOOO!

Lemon UP!

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