Friday, February 12, 2010

flowers and lies

I woke up this morning and decided i would be very direct with Dr Bravo. Since mr awkward had denied being the source of the flowers, i only had one other guess.
I texted the dr "did you send me flowers?" and he said "no, did you get flowers?"
"yeah," i replied "but there wasn't a name on them. odd."
He responded "your secret admirer's calendar is off by a few days."

So, I've given him a few things to chew over. 1. I have a secret admirer, that isn't him. 2. I would think that he likes me enough that he would send me flowers, and 3. possibly that i hoped that he had sent them.

Well, then, who sent them?
Mr awkward popped up on facebook chat, and i asked him again "honestly [mr] did you send me flowers?"
He said "no."

I gave the whole situation some thought, so I did some investigating, and on the box the flowers came in there was a phone number, With the area code from the city i moved out of just a few months ago. Hmmm, i checked the number with various single men i know of in the area (whose numbers i had in my cell), and no matches.

I went back to facebook, looked up the profile for mr awkward, and there. Yes. Its a match.

So, now, not only is he awkward, but he lied to me. Just plain lied.

Now I've gone from grateful for beautiful flowers and slightly confused, to extremely put out... and severely confused.
I get that he probably still has some sort of torch burning for me, but we've been over this. Its not happening.

Here's hoping this whole situation will help me define very clearly two different relationships... and even more so that one flame would be snuffed out for good, and the other flamed into some hot hot lovin! haha

Lemon... hopeful?

1 comment:

  1. Oh. No. Good lord, that boy....That is SO weird.

    And I still think you have reasons to be hopeful about the Doctor. Keep me posted on that one!
