Friday, March 26, 2010


I want him to make the move. Has he made the move? no. So, now the challenge is to encourage the move without actually making the move myself. This is a tricky line to walk.

Dr Bravo and I have movie plans for tonight. Add on to the caffeine I've ingested today, that that makes for one jittery lemon.

Over the last couple of weeks Dr Bravo has met a few of my friends, and each new person has said the same thing "he obviously likes you." But, Its been two and a half months of hanging out, and he hasn't held my hand or kissed me. A well known book-turned-movie states that If he isn't sleeping with you: red flag. This is obviously a bit further than my physical limits for short term relationships, (aka anything that doesn't involve me in a white dress with a diamond on my finger after a short ceremony), but perhaps this also proves true for the actions that i do allow for.

But I've also read places, that because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us... This is what that passage pertains to, right? My hope for a kiss at the end of a date?

Anyway, as a wise friend told me, I need to help set up and encourage his actions without it looking like I'm actually making the move. I hope I can find that balance, and not look as desperate as Jacob and Mike:

1 comment:

  1. Bella should have taken advantage of the situation--and held hands with BOTH of them!!

    Good luck jitterly walking the line... :)
