Sunday, July 11, 2010


Things have been a little rocky for this lemon. Working the night shift is starting to wear on me, so i've started looking for something new. Also, my grandma passed away this week.

Also frustrating is Dr Bravo flaked on me. again. we had plans to go see a movie friday night. he said he's be home by 8, i should pick a movie and a time, and he'd call when he made it into town. He didn't text until 11. I had been driving, so at the next stop light i told him i'd call when i got home, he said ok. So i call, and he doesn't answer. He called back 2 minutes later

He had missed his bus, and his phone was dead, then his phone was on vibrate, and excuse and excuse and excuse. I tried very hard to stay neutral when we talked, and straight told him how disrespected I feel when he flakes on plans. He apologized, and had ideas of how to prevent being late like that again. I told him i appreciated the apology, that i didn't think he was doing it on purpose, but its still very frustrating, and disrespectful, and maybe it was just bad timing that it happened tonight, but I'm struggling in life, and he knows this, and i needed him to come through, and he hadn't. He apologized again, stammered for a minute, and i said i'd talk to him later.

I guess we'll see when he decides to put some effort into our friendship. I'm done with the idea of dating him. This decision has been in the works for the last 2 months or so, with this being the nail in the coffin.

On the other hand, PBR has been in the picture quite a bit lately. He took me out sailing two weeks ago, he came by last week when i didn't want to be home alone, and we hung out again last night.

PBR has been a bit of sunshine in this rather gloomy week.

Lemon, trying to make lemonade, out.

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