Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New Me?

Hello, 2011.
It's nice to see you.

I hope you're less complicated than your predecessor, although I don't wish for stagnation either. Is there a way to hope for challenges that will stretch me, but at the same time don't leave me feeling overstretched all the time? That is what I want.

I'm not sure if these are necessarily resolutions, because they're things I've been working on for the last few years, but I have a list of the types of things I want to make some progress on.

I suppose that if I had to make a resolution, it would be to break down larger goals into smaller ones, so that they don't seem so impossible.

major categories include:

everyday type goal: run 3x or more times a week. and once a week do a long run.
short term goal: start cutting time off my mile pace. Beat last year's Bloomsday time.
Long term goals: Find another 1/2 marathon to do this year.
Do the whole Seattle Marathon next thanksgiving.

Fitness/health in general:
everyday type goal: use Eliptical machine if too cold out to run. eat my fruits and veggies, take vitamins, wash face daily, shave my legs often
Short term: find a pool, start swimming at least 1x week; Find a bicycle, learn to ride comptetatively; sleep regularly.
Long term: Register and compete in a Triathlon.

Short term: decide if my GRE scores are high enough to get into grad school, if not, retake test.
Long term: Find a program that I want to do, apply for Grad School.

Daily: rework Resume and Cover Letter; Check job websites at least 3x a week.
Short Term: Decide on Career path, Apply to jobs within that/those fleids.
Long Term: Get out of Eating Disorders, and no more night shifts.

Everyday: Journal and read bible or devotional material 5x a week. Make time in my schedule for this.
Short term: commit to a church, attend regularly.
Long term: find or lead a small group, be a leader in my spiritual community.

Mental Health
Everyday: take my meds
Short term: find a counselor. go to counseling.
Long term: unpack some of my baggage.

Everyday: communicate with people i care about: calls, texts, emails, spends some time with them.
Short term: be ok with not being best friends with everyone, and allow for relationships that aren't equal in effort to be put on back burners.
Long term: not get ahead of myself with PBR, but allow myself to feel what i feel for him. Learn to communicate my needs and expectations.
Super Long term: get married, have babies.

Daily: put dishes in sink or directly into dishwasher, put dirty clothes in hamper, put clean clothes that i decide not to wear back in closet/dresser. Don't eat in bed.
Short term: keep room to a respectable level of clean.
Don't leave stuff in livingroom, keep bathroom clean.
Long term: don't be a slob.

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