Sunday, September 13, 2009

First things first, the date with the Farmer was... platonic. He's a nice, attractive, funny guy. And yet, no chemistry. He didn't try to order me food, although made suggestions on what was supposed to be good. We talked about our mutual friend, and although the conversation would move away from her, it always seemed to circle back to her. Not in a "i wish i were on a date with her instead" type of way, but in a "i'm not sure what to talk with you about, so we'll go back to abusing our mutual friend" way.

It was fun to hang out and talk, and he did buy dinner, but didn't try for a goodnight kiss. Heck! He didn't even try for a hug or a handshake either. Just a "where are you parked? there? ok, bye" and then he disappeared. They always say you can tell by the kiss... but I guess I'll never know.

Still thinking about guys, at a housewarming party last night, i met two more guys that friends want to set me up with, and then met a few more single gentlemen as well. Of the crowd, two are worth mentioning.

1st there's the guy who makes more in a year than I owe in student loans. SERIOUSLY!!! He seems to be pretty shy, and i wasn't really able to get him in a 0ne on one conversation all night, but in various group conversations he seemed funny and intelligent. I like both of those things. I expressed to a friend that knows him, that I'd be all for a real date, or smaller social function with this fellow. Although apparently he is pretty sensitive about his income, I can't seem to think of a better name for him than Rich Uncle Pennybags.

There was another guy that was very charismatic and quite the life of the party. We'll call him The Charmer. We discussed the appropriate time of year for various pies, and came up with a pie calendar. He was far more outgoing than Pennybags, but outgoing doesn't always mean more personality. They actually seem to know each other very well... and I'm not usually one for friend group incest, so we'll see if i can get dates out of both of them, or just one. Based on the friend recommendation, I've got a lot in common with Pennybags, and probably not so much with the charmer... other than our good looks and charismatic personalities.

Of course, with all these new opportunities, you would think that I would have closed the doors to all the ambiguity of the boys I left behind... but no. CLBF and I texted til 3am the other night, and I've heard from him every day since. I was definitely flirtier than I should have been, and this isn't really something I should continue, as I'm trying to get over him. Well, nothing like an unresolved almost romance to confuse a girl.

And speaking of being a girl... Dad seems to forget this point every once in a while. I'm pretty sure I would have turned out a whole lot more feminine if I had grown up with a brother. Instead, I've been treated like the son my dad never had, and I'll be removing moss from the house roof this afternoon. Oh... I'll probably find the football game on the radio to listen to so as to complete the effect.

Lemon Out.

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